Brian E. Ray
Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Online Programs and Leon M. and Gloria Plevin Professor of Law; Director, Center for Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection
Professor Brian Ray has extensive experience in information governance, cybersecurity, and data privacy. He co-founded and directs the Center for Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection and edits the Center-sponsored SSRN Cybersecurity, Data Privacy and eDiscovery eJournal. Ray also co-founded the Cleveland eDiscovery, Data Security and Privacy Roundtable, an informal group of lawyers, judges and academics that meets monthly to discuss issues surrounding electronic discovery, cybersecurity and data privacy issues.
Ray's research focuses on security and privacy regulation, national and international jurisdiction over data, and data governance, collection and use policies at the municipal, county and state levels. He is part of a small team of researchers that in 2018 established the Internet of Things Collaborative (IoTC) with a $1.75 million Digital Excellence Grant by the Cleveland Foundation. He serves as the IoTC Cybersecurity Industry Liaison working with faculty on both campuses and industry to develop applied research and education programs related to IoT security.
In 2016 Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine appointed Ray to the CyberOhio Advisory Board. He co-chairs the Northeast Ohio CyberConsortium's Workforce Development Committee and is a member of the Sedona Conference's Data Security and Privacy Liability Working Group. He was selected to participate in the Yale University Cyber Leaders Forum in 2017, and SC Magazine named him one of three Outstanding Cybersecurity Educator in the 2017 Reboot Leadership Awards.
Ray also is an expert in comparative and international law. His book, Engaging with Social Rights: Participation, Procedure and Democracy in South Africa's Second-Wave provides a comprehensive analysis of the South African Constitutional Court's social rights decisions. He was a Fulbright Scholar in South Africa and has published extensively on comparative constitutional law and social rights.
Litigation associate at Jones Day in Cleveland, Ohio; judicial clerk for Judge Alan E. Norris, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and Justice Richard J. Goldstone, Constitutional Court of South Africa; J.D., Ohio State University College of Law (Order of the Coif; Articles Editor of The Ohio State Law Journal, and valedictorian); Fulbright Fellow, Kyoto University; B.A., University of Notre Dame