Unexpected expenses don't have to mean deciding between staying in law school and struggling or dropping out to pay bills. CSU|LAW has an Emergency Financial Assistance Fund program, created by Dean Fisher and the Advancement Team, to which currently enrolled law students may apply for assistance. If you are experiencing a financial emergency - an unforeseen expense that, if not resolved quickly, could lead to your departure from the law school and loss of momentum toward completion - this grant is designed to provide an opportunity to apply for some assistance.
The number of students who can be served by the Student Emergency Fund is subject to the availability of funds. The fund must be sustained by continual contributions from alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends of CSU College of Law. See below for more detail about how to contribute to the fund.
The application form for this grant fund details potentially eligible costs, important information regarding process, and requirements to apply. Documentation is required to demonstrate the specific emergency costs, and, when a grant is awarded, payment is typically made directly to the entity/organization where those costs have been incurred.
If you are currently receiving financial aid, please be aware that receiving funding from the Emergency Financial Assistance Fund may affect your future aid packages and funds received may be taxed as income.
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants must be currently enrolled at the College of Law in a terminal degree program.
- Applicants must have an immediate financial hardship resulting from an emergency, accident, or other unexpected critical incident.
- The expense must be unexpected, unforeseen, and the urgent nature unavoidable.
- Other resources, including emergency loans through Cleveland State’s Office of Financial Aid must have been considered and are insufficient, unavailable, or not available in a timely manner.
- Applicants must complete all questions in full and submit supporting documentation.
Possible Expenses Covered by the Fund (this list is not exhaustive):
- Car Repairs
- Child Care
- Medications and other costs related to unanticipated medical care
- Rent to prevent eviction
- Replacement of essential personal belongings or temporary housing needs, due to fire, theft, or natural disaster
- Safety needs (i.e. changing a lock)
- Utility bill to prevent late fees or shut off
- Travel costs related to a death or illness in the immediate family
Examples of Expenses that Cannot be Covered by the Emergency Fund:
- Tuition
- Expenses that were incurred prior to enrolling in the College of Law
For questions regarding your application and to submit your final application to be considered by the Emergency Financial Fund Committee, contact Assistant Dean Sarah Dylag Beznoska at s.beznoskanull@csuohio.nulledu
Want to Support this Fund?
To donate, please give online or contact Nicole Roberts at advancementnull@law.csuohio.nulledu