Get an inside at a recent pop-up practicum in which CSU|LAW students served as advisors in the creation of an app to help defendants navigate the justice system WATCH...
In addition to our excellent litigation, transactional, and advocacy clinics, we are one of the few law schools in the country that offers innovative “pop-up practicums”. A pop-up practicum is a short-term, practice-based experience responsive to student interest and faculty availability. The pop-up practicums are offered for a semester at a time, upon demand. They are intended to provide the flexibility to respond to opportunities for students to learn and engage with current legal issues aligned with our faculty's diverse expertise. The pop-up practicums give our law students the opportunity to work on real world problems by undertaking projects for private, public, and/or non-profit entities.
Possible pop-up practicum topics include Bioethics; Criminal Justice Reform; Cybersecurity; Entrepreneurship; Environmental law; First Amendment; Health Law; Immigration; Intellectual Property; LGBT rights; Police Reform; Presidential Power; Public Policy; and City Economic Growth.
For more information contact Associate Dean Jonathan Witmer-Rich or Associate Dean Carolyn Broering-Jacobs.

Restorative Justice Pop-Up Practicum Students Work for Change In The Community
Pop-up Practicum seeks Post-Conviction Relief with Cuyahoga County Conviction Integrity Unit
CSU|LAW Students Receive National Attention For IP Practicum Work
Icebreaker Wind Practicum Gives CSU|LAW Students Opportunity to Work on the Cutting Edge of Environmental Law
Two CSU|LAW Students Participate in Revision of Ohio Criminal Rules through Pop-Up Practicum
CSU|LAW Students Examine Cleveland Police Reform through Pop-Up Practicum
CSU|LAW Students Assist in Cuyahoga County Bail Reform in Pop-Up Practicum
CSU|LAW Launches ‘Pop-Up Practicums’ as a New Approach to Practice-Based Learning