The LL.M. is offered to both domestic students who would like to pursue areas of law more in depth through rigorous research, and to international students who wish to learn the laws of the United States.
For students in the U.S., the LL.M. is a 24 credit hour, post-JD degree open to American students who have earned a JD degree from an ABA-accredited law school.
International students have the option of a 24 credit hour program or 30 credit hour program. Please note, 30 credits is needed in order to take the bar exam. All student must have completed a degree in law (J.D., LL.B., or their equivalent) and who have passed an English proficiency test (TOEFL or IELTS).
For more information on the LL.M. for U.S. or international students, please see below or contact our office at:
Julie DiBiasio
Director of Graduate Studies and Professional Development
Milena Sterio
The Charles R. Emrick Jr. - Calfee Halter & Griswold Professor of Law
LL.M. Programs Director
Cleveland State University College of Law
Students' scholarship and research will thrive in CSU College of Law's unmatched access to academic and professional resources.
Curriculum & Requirements Tuition
Please email llm.programnull@law.csuohio.nulledu to learn how to apply to the LLM program.
International Students will learn about the American legal system in a vibrant legal environment.
How to Apply & Requirements Tuition
Please email llm.programnull@law.csuohio.nulledu to learn how to apply to the program.

The value of the LL.M. comes to life in this Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association podcast featuring three CSU|LAW international students working to earn their degrees and practice in the U.S. It's a delightfully global conversation with CSU|LAW Director of Graduate Studies Julie DiBiasio and LLM students Miriam Kobella, Clayton Papenfus, and Daysi A. Garcia Lisiewski.

Read LLM Student Miriam Kobella's Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Journal article about CSU|LAW's program.