All alumni have access to CareerConnect, the online home of the Office of Career Strategy and Employment. Through CareerConnect, alumni can let the OCP know their target practice areas and geographic regions, join resume books, review and apply to job postings, access our online Resource Library, schedule counseling appointments, register for events, and more.
All students are provided with a CareerConnect account upon matriculation at the law school. If you are an alum and do not have a CareerConnect account or do not remember your log-in credentials, please contact the Office of Career Planning at careernull@law.csuohio.nulledu or at 216-687-6871.
Career Services Reciprocity
CSU|LAW alumni may utilize the resources of another law school if CSU|LAW has granted the same opportunity to their alumni. To learn if a specific law school has such an agreement, please contact the Office of Student and Career Services by email at careernull@law.csuohio.nulledu, call (216) 687-6871 or fax (216) 687-6881.