Lauren M. Collins
Associate Professor of Law
Lauren M. Collins served as library director from 2013 through 2023, before returning to the faculty full-time. Prior to that, she was director of the law library at North Carolina Central University School of Law and the Head of Reference Services at the J. Michael Goodson Law Library at Duke University. She has held positions as a reference librarian at Duke, Wayne State University, and the University of Miami.
Professor Collins has been active in the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), having served on national committees and as an officer at the local and national levels. Her work includes articles in AALL Spectrum, Law Library Journal, and the North Carolina State Bar Journal. She has developed legal research lessons for the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) on international legal research topics and cost-effective legal research, and written published research guides on Environmental Justice and Veterans’ Benefits.
In addition to research topics, she has taught Public Health Law and Scholarly Writing.