Save the Date for the annual IP+ Conference at CSU|LAW!
Join us for CSU|LAW’s annual IP+ Conference to learn about updates and insights in intellectual property law, the intersection of IP and medicine, IP and AI, and more. Our keynote speakers will be Donald Chisum (author of Chisum on Patents, the most respected long-standing treatise on U.S. patent law, and co-founder of the Chisum Patent Academy) and Janice Mueller (co-founder of Chisum Patent Academy, former professor, and Patent Law textbook author). Your day will be filled with captivating discussions, insightful presentations, and networking opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, this conference has valuable content for everyone.
The first 25 in-person attendees who are seeking CLE can register for just $5 for the whole day. Free for students and those not seeking CLE, with both in-person and online options. Lunch and a social hour will be provided.
Add it to your calendar!
Five hours of CLE credit will be applied for, including ethics credit.
Sponsorships are available at $1000, $2000, and $5000 tiers. Your donation helps us run this program and other intellectual property programming and support for our students’ careers throughout the year. If you would like to sponsor, please contact our IP Program Director Christa Laser (c.j.lasernull@csuohio.nulledu) for details.