“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” —Maya Angelou
We open doors and let the future in.
We are here for our students from the moment they enter the first front door to their legal education to the moment they enter the second front door to their career. We are their law school for life.
As 2019 begins, a number of our Class of 2018 graduates continue to seek full-time post-graduate employment.
You can support our most recent graduates by becoming a C|M|LAW Champion and help launch them into their first job after graduation.
Why should you help our graduates?
At some point in each our careers, someone influenced our trajectory. It’s our turn to pay it forward.
Why should you hire our graduates?
We stand out for our outstanding faculty, practical hands-on experiential opportunities, industry-aligned Cybersecurity, Health Law, Criminal Justice, and Global Space Law Centers, and technologically advanced Trial Courtroom, Solo Practice Incubator,and Learning Commons.
But there’s something else that also distinguishes us that is just as important. Employers often tell us that what distinguishes our graduates from other law schools’ graduates is grit and perseverance.
Our graduates have an understanding of the power of relationships, an exceptionally strong work ethic, and the ability to communicate and collaborate with colleagues and clients to solve problems. We not only teach substantive law but also focus on the practice-ready skills of critical thinking, practical problem solving, project management, initiative, creativity, empathy, and teamwork.
The most obvious assistance you can provide is to Hire a graduate, but our recent graduates will also benefit from a referral from you to a colleague for an informational meeting or you just taking a graduate for coffee and offering some support and advice. It can make a huge difference.
To become a C|M|LAW Champion, please email me at lee.fishernull@csuohio.nulledu or Heather DiFranco or Sarah Beznoska in our Office of Career Strategy & Employment at careernull@law.csuohio.nulledu or 216-687-6871. We will work directly with you on the best ways that you can assist one or more of our recent graduates.
By doing so, you will demonstrate to our students and graduates that we are their law school for life.
This Week’s Monday Moment: Pay It Forward
Have a great day. Have a great week.