The Community Advocacy Law Clinic is a one-semester, 3 credit experiential course where students use their legal training to assist our community’s most vulnerable populations: low-income families, children, the elderly, the homeless, and people suffering from physical and mental illness. Students, under the supervision of clinical faculty, will work with judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, social workers and others to address the legal needs of real clients in a wide variety of matters including adoption, child support, housing, public benefits and special education. Law students will attend a weekly seminar and a weekly supervisor meeting. Law students will be given the opportunity to assist clients from beginning to end - intake, through research and strategy, informal advocacy or going to court. The two goals of the Community Advocacy Law Clinic are to improve the legal skills of law students and to address the unmet legal issues of the poor.
To register for or learn more about the CALC, contact Clinical Professor Pamela Daiker-Middaugh at extension 6878 or by e-mail at pamela.daiker-middaughnull@law.csuohio.nulledu