The CSU|LAW community takes great pride in its Law Library, one of Ohio's largest. The library provides access to hundreds of thousands of legal resources in print, audio-visual, microfilm, and digital formats. The contents of our collection are current and retrospective and include Federal, State, and International legal materials. Read more in our Collection Development Policy.
Scholar is our joint library catalog with Cleveland State's Michael Schwartz Library. Scholar contains bibliographic records with descriptions of the titles in the physical collection (books, journals, audiovisual materials, etc.) as well as descriptions and links to many of the digital books and journals found inside our subscription databases.

The Law Library is a member of the United States Federal Depository Library Program as a selective depository. Print and electronic materials received through the Depository Program are included in Scholar. For more information on our government documents collection, click here or contact government documents coordinator Lisa Smilnak.
Our digital institutional repository contains faculty publications, CSU|LAW journals, historic law school materials—such as composite class photos and issues of Law Notes and The Gavel—and special collections including The Sam Sheppard Case Collection and the Terry v. Ohio Collection. Browse
OhioLINK and SearchOhio Catalogs
Via OhioLINK, you may request library materials not held by the Law Library or Michael Schwartz Library. OhioLINK items come from universities across the state of Ohio, usually within 5-7 business days. You will be notified via email when your items arrive. Please ask a staff person if you need assistance with OhioLINK.
OhioLINK catalog:
Materials may also be requested through SearchOhio, a partner of the OhioLINK system. Over 16 million items are requestable through this consortium of Ohio public library systems. As with OhioLINK requests, you will be notified when your item arrives, usually within 5-7 business days.
SearchOhio catalog:
Interlibrary Loan from Other Libraries
WorldCat@CSU - Searches libraries and select databases worldwide. Items may be obtained through Interlibrary Loan.