The Law Library is pleased to offer special services for CSU|LAW Journal Editors and Associates. If you have questions or comments about these services, email Research Services at research.servicesnull@law.csuohio.nulledu.
Here are the special services we offer, with links to three short videos on these services:
- Research - Individual Research Assistance and Cite Checking, Research & Writing Resources and Group Research & Database Training Sessions [3:33 mins. VIDEO]
- Material/Source Collection - Reserve Shelves and Photocopying Accounts and Special Borrowing Privileges and InterLibrary Loan [4:33 mins. VIDEO]
- Other Research & Journal Activities - Assistance Contacting Libraries and Assistance with Programming [2:09 mins. VIDEO]
Individual Research Assistance
Don't let a cite checking project overwhelm you - Research Services Librarians are here to help! When writing your Journal note, consider scheduling a one-on-one Research Consultation to discuss resources and strategies. Here are all the ways to get research help:
- Come to the Research Services office (Law Library Room 112) - Research Services Hours
- Email research.servicesnull@law.csuohio.nulledu - We will reply during Research Services hours
- Call 216-687-6877 - If you need to leave a message, we will reply during Research Service hours
- At the Law Library home page, click the green Chat with a Librarian icon during Research Services hours
- Schedule a one-on-one Research Consultation
Cite Checking, Research & Writing Resources
Some key Law Library Research Guides to help you:
- Citation Checking & Finding Sources Guide
- Finding Articles in Law Reviews and Journals
- Scholarly Writing Resource Guide
- Center for Health Law and Policy Guide
- International Law guide
For a complete listing of Law Library Research Guides, see this alphabetical list.
Group Research & Database Training Sessions
In addition to providing individual research assistance, Research Librarians conduct group research and database training sessions for Journal Editors and Associates. These sessions sharpen research skills and help students make more efficient use of their time while on a Journal. Group sessions can cover cite-checking tips, topical research (such as administrative law, legislative history, health law, foreign and international law), interdisciplinary research (such as social sciences research), Lexis/Westlaw database refreshers, and much more!
To set up a group session, email Research Services at research.servicesnull@law.csuohio.nulledu.

Reserve Shelves
To help with Journal material/source collection, the Law Library provides shelf space for materials obtained from the Law Library, CSU Michael Schwartz Library, OhioLINK libraries, and Interlibrary Loan. These shelves help keep materials for cite checking centrally located so all Journal Editors and Associates have easy and reliable access to them. Journal shelves are located in the Reserve area behind the Information Services Desk. Journal members are welcome to come back and peruse materials on their Journal shelf at any time.
For more information on Journal Reserve shelves, contact Jon Elias (216-687-2483; j.j.eliasnull@csuohio.nulledu).
Photocopying Accounts
Journal Editors and Associates are permitted to use photocopiers in the Law Library Reserve area for photocopying Journal materials and sources. Each Journal has its own photocopier account number - ask for your Journal photocopier account number at the Information Services desk.
For more information on Journal Photocopying Accounts, contact Jon Elias (216-687-2483; j.j.eliasnull@csuohio.nulledu).
Special Borrowing Privileges
Journal Editors and Associates are eligible for special borrowing privileges with the Law Library, which allow you to request and check out Law Library, CSU Michael Schwartz Library, and OhioLINK library materials using your Journal library account. Each Journal has its own CSU ID# and PIN. When requesting materials via the Scholar catalog or OhioLINK catalog, Journal students should use their Journal CSU ID# and PIN.
For the appropriate Journal CSU ID# and PIN, contact Jon Elias (216-687-2483; j.j.eliasnull@csuohio.nulledu).
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
The Law Library participates in Interlibrary Loan networks to obtain materials not available through the CSU libraries or OhioLINK libraries. Journal "special borrowing privileges" extend to requesting materials through Interlibrary Loan. If you cannot get materials via Scholar or OhioLINK, request them through the Law Library Interlibrary Loan service. To make an ILL request, use the online Interlibrary Loan Request Form [NOTE: You will use your personal CSU|LAW username & password to connect to the form]. When completing the form, use your Journal CSU ID# and specify your Journal name. Interlibrary Loan requests can take up to several weeks, so please plan ahead.
If you have questions about Interlibrary Loan, contact Tom Hurray (216-687-2250; t.hurraynull@csuohio.nulledu).

Assistance Contacting Other Libraries
When working on a cite checking project or conducting research for your note, you may come across materials that are housed in a distant library or in a library special collections. Law Librarians can contact other libraries across the country on your behalf. We can also assist with verifying citations, tracking down references, identifying special collection access procedures, negotiating borrowing privileges, and more. Please don’t hesitate to ask us to contact another library for you during your cite checking or note writing process.
For assistance, email Research Services at research.servicesnull@law.csuohio.nulledu.
Assistance with Programming
Law Librarians are available to assist Journal Editors with a variety of programming needs. Our research skills and academic networks can be of particular help with the identification of hot topics and potential speakers. We can also help facilitate educational and presentation technology needs. As you likely know, programs can take a great deal of time to organize. Planning at least a semester ahead is well advised.
For assistance, email Research Services at research.servicesnull@law.csuohio.nulledu.