Professor Lazarus has been admitted to state and federal courts in New York, the District of Columbia, and Ohio, and has practiced with the Legal Aid Society and Williamsburg Neighborhood Legal Services in New York and with the Urban Law Institute in Washington, D.C. He was Attorney/Professor at Antioch School of Law in Washington, D.C. prior to joining the faculty at Cleveland State University College of Law in 1973 as one of its first clinical professors.
In addition to supervising students in several clinical programs at Antioch School of Law and at CSU College of Law, Professor Lazarus has taught a broad range of other subjects, introducing into all of them a rigorous regimen of classroom quizzes providing virtually immediate supportive feedback to his students. He has originated law school courses in Immigration Law, Trial Evidence, and The Federalist Papers. Professor Lazarus served as trustee of Housing Advocates, Inc. and chaired that organization's Litigation Priorities Committee. He has served as Chair of the Certified Grievance Committee of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association and as Chair of the Ohio Supreme Court's Commission on Professionalism. He has lectured for the Supreme Bar Review course and has served as consultant and trainer for the Legal Services Corporation's Trial Advocacy and Skills Training courses.
Professor Lazarus has spoken on numerous occasions to various court and bar groups, and in 2007 became the first law school professor to receive the Cleveland State University Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award and in 2013 was cited favorably in the treatise "What the Best Law Teachers Do."