Monday Morning Message 3.31.25 A Law Degree That Fits Your Life and Jumpstarts Your Future.
“I wanted to make sure you heard from me saying thank you. It would be difficult for me to be going to law school in person, given my circumstances and where I live, so this opportunity has been and is very important to me…..I want to thank all the folks who have worked tirelessly to pull this program together so that people like me can have an opportunity to study the law.” – Student, CSU|Law J.D. online part-time (JDO) program

Monday Morning Message 3.24.25 We Touch The Future
"I touch the future. I teach." - Christina McAuliffe
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats
A few weeks ago, I shared some positive messages about the extraordinary teaching of our faculty and extraordinary service of our staff. I’m pleased to share some more emails I’ve recently received. They keep coming!
Associate Dean Carolyn Broering- Jacobs

Monday Morning Message 3.17.25 State of the Law School
"I really didn't say everything I said." - Yogi Berra
“It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.” - Mark Twain
“There are always three speeches…The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.” -Dale Carnegie
Each year, for the past 8 years, I have continued the tradition of giving the “Dean’s State of the Law School” presentation in which I share my thoughts on CSU Law’s past, present, and future.

Monday Morning Message 3.10.25 Our Fingerprints
“Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.” - Judy Blume
Not a week goes by when I don’t receive a positive message from a student or alumnus about the extraordinary teaching of our faculty and extraordinary service of our staff. I’m pleased to share some emails I’ve received over the past few months. Our faculty’s and staff’s fingerprints will never fade from the lives they’ve touched.
Jaime Gay

Monday Morning Message 3.3.25 Special Edition: January/February Faculty/Staff Focus
This Special Edition of the Monday Morning Message is called CSU/LAW Faculty/Staff Focus. We are very fortunate to have outstanding full-time, adjunct, and emeritus faculty, leaders-in-residence, and staff. I am pleased to share regular updates on their excellent scholarship, presentations, teaching, and service.

Monday Morning Message 2.24.25 The Gentleman From Ohio
“Cleveland-Marshall was exactly the right place….For four years, from 1949 to 1953, I worked during the day and went to school from six to ten every night. As tired as I might have been, I came to most of my classes full of excitement and anticipation…..As my studies progressed at Cleveland-Marshall, I was aware that I was experiencing a kind of mental or intellectual metamorphosis. The fact is that there’s nothing quite like the law…. I understood that I wasn’t simply absorbing knowledge, learning cases and principles – my mind was being trained to a way of thinking. I was absorbing a certain kind of logical, philosophical approach to processing and presenting information.

Monday Morning Message 2.17.25 27 Presidents
"I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside me." – President Abraham Lincoln
With all due respect to America’s doctors, dentists, nurses, engineers, architects, and business executives, no profession is more responsible for producing America’s local, state, and national leaders than the legal profession.
No profession is more common among U.S. Presidents and among those who founded our country.

Monday Morning Message 2.10.25 A New Chapter
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” —C.S. Lewis
“I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start….” ―J.B. Priestley
This morning is a bittersweet moment for me as I share the news that I will be stepping down as Dean of CSU Law when my current term ends on June 30, 2025 to become the 10th President of Baldwin Wallace University (BW). Below is a message to the CSU community from President Laura Bloomberg and Provost Nigamanth Sridhar that was sent a few minutes ago.

IP+ Conference 2025
Save the Date for the annual IP+ Conference at CSU|LAW!
Join us for CSU|LAW’s annual IP+ Conference to learn about updates and insights in intellectual property law, the intersection of IP and medicine, IP and AI, and more. Our keynote speakers will be Donald Chisum (author of Chisum on Patents, the most respected long-standing treatise on U.S. patent law, and co-founder of the Chisum Patent Academy) and Janice Mueller (co-founder of Chisum Patent Academy, former professor, and Patent Law textbook author). Your day will be filled with captivating discussions, insightful presentations, and networking opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, this conference has valuable content for everyone.