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Health, Wellness, and Belonging

CSU College of Law is a student-centered law school. We strive to open doors and open minds and provide a level of accessibility, support, encouragement and interaction that many law schools don’t offer. Our first priority is our students’ first-class, quality legal education, but we also care about your happiness, health, and well-being.

We expect all members of our community to follow the CSU Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Violence and Retaliation and to report incidents of discrimination, harassment, sexual violence and retaliation to the Office for Institutional Equity.

We encourage students to familiarize themselves with a variety of campus resources to promote student wellbeing and success:

The College of Law Library has a number of resources to support you with health, wellness and belonging, including:

Mental Health and Well-Being : 

Cleveland State University campus resources are available to law students, including:

Office of Institutional Equity: Office for Institutional Equity (OIE) is responsible for the administration of the University's equal opportunity and affirmative action policies, programs and procedures.  You can contact OIE by email at OIEnull@csuohio.nulledu or call 216-687-2223.

CSU Division of Belonging and Student Success (SC 319): provides services and programs to enhance your experience as a student.

LGBTQ+ Student Services (MC 211): provides resources, support, and educational programming that promotes the academic and personal growth and development of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning students and their allies.

CSU CARE Team  - The CARE team supports the wellbeing of students. All referrals to the CARE Team should be sent to MagnusACTSnull@csuohio.nulledu

CSU Health and Wellness Center: Located in the Center for Innovations in Medical Professions, 2112 Euclid Avenue, Room 205, CSU Health & Wellness Services is a high quality medical facility committed to serving the medical needs of the CSU community.

CSU Veteran and Military Success Center, Trinity Commons, Whether you are currently serving, have served or  are part of the military family, the goal at the Veteran & Military Success Center is to help you access all the tools and programs available to help you succeed at Cleveland State University and beyond.

CSU Counseling Center, Union Bldg, 220 - right across the street from the Law School: meet with a psychologist or doctoral student in Counseling Psychology for mental health or adjustment concerns. Call to schedule today: 216-687-2277. 

Counseling and Academic Success Clinic (CASC), MC 215D: meet with a master's student in Clinical Mental Health to discuss stress and coping with milder mental health concerns. Call 216-687-9325 or walk in.  

Remember, also, that off-campus resources exist to help you too:

Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program, If you or a fellow student you know have mental, emotional or addiction concerns, contact the Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program (OLAP). Your confidentiality, and the confidentiality of anyone about whom you express concerns will be protected.

Phone: 1-800-348-4343

Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation: 614-429-1528

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 1-800-950-6264

Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services: 614-466-2596

Crisis Lines: 
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741-741 
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 
Counseling Center after-hours: 216-687-2277 

For additional resources, check out Vikes Care!