
Kevin Garewal
Director, Law Library & Assistant Professor
MACleveland State UniversityTaxation2012
JDCleveland State University College of Law2004
MLISKent State University School of Library1998
BABaldwin Wallace UniversitySports Medicine1996
Kevin R. Garewal is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Law Library. He is a two-time alum of CSU. He is a 2004 CSU|LAW graduate and completed a Master’s degree in Accounting in 2013.
Professor Garewal has held a number of library positions most recently as Vice Provost and Dean of Libraries at the University of Rochester. Prior to that he served as the Associate Director of Collections at Harvard Law School Library.
Research and Instructional Services

Amy Burchfield
Head, Research & Instructional Services
JDThe Ohio State University
MLISKent State University
MAKent State University
BAJuniata College
Amy oversees research, reference, and instructional services to faculty, students, and public patrons. Amy participates in classroom research instruction, provides reference services, and coordinates the library's fall orientation program. She also contributes to our research guides and blog and participates in collection development.

Brian E. Cassidy
Student Services Librarian
JDUniversity of Dayton School of Law
MLISKent State University
BSSouthern Connecticut State University
Brian develops and coordinates student outreach in all forms, including social media, library events, and student surveys and contests. Brian manages CALI, LexisNexis, Westlaw and other database services for College of Law students and faculty. He also coordinates our research guides, blog and other web content, and provides reference service and classroom research instruction.

Edward A. Koltonski
Technology & Research Services Librarian
MLISKent State University
MAKent State University
BAKent State University
Edward provides software, hardware, and technical support for faculty, staff and students. He assists with troubleshooting, installing updates, maintaining equipment, and recording audio/video for Law School events. Edward works with vendors to troubleshoot electronic resources. He also provides reference services and classroom research instruction.

Laura Ray
Outreach & Instructional Services Librarian
MLSCase Western Reserve University
MACleveland State University
BACleveland State University
Laura coordinates outreach to various local communities, including CSU colleges and organizations, paralegals, the medical-legal community, alumni, and CLE organizers. She also coordinates library instructional programs, provides classroom research instruction, contributes to our research guides, advises on collection issues for medical and health care materials, and provides reference service.
Information Technology

Eric Domanski
Manager, Technology Operations
BSCleveland State University
Eric provides computer support for faculty and law school staff. He has specific responsibility for supporting student PCs, the computer lab, and related technology needs. Eric is also a primary contact for the creation of email accounts and lists.

Rick Z. Zhang
Systems/Web Administrator
MSKent State University
BSKent State University
Rick provides primary support for web site design, development, and maintenance. He also manages server and domain network systems for law faculty and staff, as well as installing and upgrading hardware and software on law school computers.
Access and Technical Services

Beth A. Farrell
Head, Access and Technical Services
MLSKent State University
BSKent State University
Beth manages all aspects of access and technical services. Her access services responsibilities include oversight of circulation, interlibrary loan, course reserves, and stack maintenance. Her technical services responsibilities include administration of the library materials budget and the ordering, processing, and cataloging of the print and electronic resources that comprise our library's collection.

Jon Elias
Library Purchasing, Access, & Technical Services Coordinator
BACleveland State University
Jon receives the library's book orders and processes all invoices for the law library. He maintains course reserves, the study room software, as well as the software that controls patron access to the library. Managing the circulation desk during the day, he assists patrons with the use of law library materials.

Tom Hurray
Library Evening & Weekend Supervisor
BACleveland State University
Hammel CollegeParalegal Certification
Tom is in charge of Interlibrary Loan, and his specialties include OhioLINK and stack maintenance. He assists patrons with the use of law library materials or other library related questions. As evening/weekend supervisor, he manages nighttime library operations.

Margo Mathis
Library Media Tech Assistant
BACase Western Reserve University
Margo assists patrons at the circulation desk, coordinates processing of materials for the law review organizations, processes alumni and Ohio Bar borrower cards, completes patron requests for main library materials, updates loose leaf materials as needed, and assists with collection maintenance, weeding and shifting projects.

Lisa Smilnak
Digital Content & Special Collections Librarian
MLISKent State University
BAKenyon College
Lisa manages the workflow for adding CSU|LAW journals and faculty publications to the school’s institutional repository, EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University. She also preserves, catalogs, and digitizes items in the library’s Special Collections, including historical print, audio, and video materials. Lisa also serves as the library's government documents coordinator.