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All Rise Film Festival adjusted logo
Released on Oct 10, 2023

'All Rise' Film Festival Returns for Second Year

The Festival allows everyone to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of law on our lives and how it is reflected in the art of filmmaking. 

CSU|LAW and the CSU School of Film and Media Arts are proud to announce the return of "All Rise: A Festival of Film & Law" for its highly anticipated second year. This unique and engaging festival is set to captivate audiences once again with its compelling exploration of the fascinating interplay between the world of film and the realm of law. 

 "All Rise" is not just a film festival; it is an immersive experience that bridges the gap between two seemingly distinct worlds, shedding light on how they intersect and influence one another.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Sep 18, 2023

Monday Morning Message 9.18.23 What I Wish I Had Known.

“Much of the uncertainty of law is not an unfortunate accident: it is of immense social value.” -Supreme Court Justice

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Sep 11, 2023

Monday Morning Message 9.11.23 Make Your Torch Burn Brightly.

“The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places.”  -

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Aug 28, 2023

Monday Morning Message 8.28.23 A Record Setting Week

“Get ready to embark on a wild ride unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, packed with thrills, chills, and probably a few spills. Being a 1L will challenge you like you’ve never been challenged….. The first year of law school will be one of the hardest years of your life. Law school will profoundly alter the way you think, and view and interact with the world around you. Your 1L experience will change who you are, whether you want it to or not.”  Andrew McClurg, 1L of a Ride, A Well-Traveled Professor's Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School

Released on Jul 24, 2023
Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on May 22, 2023

Monday Morning Message 5.22.23 The Resilient Class of 2023

“Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” – Nora Ephron 

Yesterday was our 2023 Commencement where we celebrated the accomplishments of one of the most resilient classes to ever graduate from our law school.

Early during their legal education, the world turned upside down.  The pandemic challenged the way we taught and the way they learned. Our graduates were forced to juggle the usual pressures of being a law student with a range of new and unexpected challenges, not of their making.

They adapted and excelled. I have no doubt that the unprecedented challenges they faced will make them even better lawyers and leaders.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on May 15, 2023

Monday Morning Message 5.15.23 Your Moment of Truth

“A moment of choice is a moment of truth. It’s the testing point of our character and competence.” – Stephen Covey

Later today, at the invitation of the Ohio Supreme Court, I will have the honor of speaking in Columbus to all the law school graduates in Ohio and throughout the nation who passed the February 2023 Ohio Bar Exam. Here’s my message.

Three bricklayers were asked: “What are you doing?’ The first said, “I am laying bricks.” The second said, “I am building a cathedral.” The third said, “I am building a house of God.” The first bricklayer has a job. The second has a career. The third has a calling.  

Today I ask you to think beyond your job and career. I’m asking you to think about your calling.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on May 8, 2023

Monday Morning Message 5.8.23 Your Law School For Life

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” - Seneca the Younger

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

This morning I want to share some positive messages I’ve recently received from graduates of the Class of 2o22 who passed the February 2023 Bar Exam and students who have recently been admitted to our law school. 

We are very proud that the way we treat our admitted students is the same way we treat our current students and our graduates – with respect, support, and individual attention.

Our message is “we are your law school for life.”

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on May 1, 2023

Monday Morning Message 5.1.23 Remember Your Why

“Try taking charge of your attention. Avert your gaze from whatever tempts you. Focus instead on whatever makes achieving your goals easier. Your future self will thank you for it.” – Angela Duckworth

“Pressure is a privilege - it only comes to those who earn it.” – Billie Jean King

My message this morning is to our students.

Today is Law Day. It’s also the first day of final exams.

If you’re looking for inspiration, you need look no further than what Law Day stands for. Ultimately, it’s what a legal education is all about.