Monday Morning Message 4.19.21 BLSA Leading the Way
“Before COVID-19, the pandemic of racism has plagued this country for years. As students of the law and future lawyers, we are emboldened to change the system. We recognize that despite its flaws, our system is dynamic and can, in fact, be changed. We see the problems within this system as our community experiences the disproportionate impact of it daily…There is no room for silence during this time.” -CSU|LAW BLSA Executive Board "No Room for Silence" Statement June 1, 2020

Monday Morning Message 4.12.21 Spotlight Edition: Our Appellate Practice Clinic
"I wanted to work on real cases in the Clinic, assisting real clients and learning the ins and outs of appellate lawyering. This case wound up being so much more than that, going beyond what I hoped to experience in the Clinic." – Jared Thompson ’22 Appellate Practice Clinic Secures Victory in Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

Monday Morning Message 4.5.21 "You Make Me Feel Valued."
“I cannot thank you enough for your unwavering confidence in my abilities and passion for movement lawyering. This past year I have found myself feeling hopeless so often, but in moments like this I can actively feel the support of the C|M|LAW community behind me and know that as long as I work hard and hold fast to my principles that the possibilities of my future remain without boundaries. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.” - 2L Student

Monday Morning Message 3.29.21 You're One Decision Away From a Completely Different Life
“All law schools have distinctive qualities and characteristics. Cleveland-Marshall's are the connected learning processes that go on throughout your law school years and continue beyond those years, in addition to the faculty and staff's commitment to the details of what it takes for student success.” - Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody J. Stewart ‘88

CMLAW Students Among LASC 2021 Summer Associates and Volunteers
The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland recruited top students for its 2021 Summer Associate and Volunteer Program.
As in 2020, students will work remote on important projects focused on Legal Aid's mission. Legal Aid attorneys mentor the summer staff on issues of poverty law. The structured program includes trainings on substantive law, public interest work, and basics of legal practice. Students learn how to interview clients, draft court pleadings, research relevant legal issues and observe hearings and trials. Other students gain experience in community outreach, social work, development and public relations.
Three students from CSU C|M|LAW will participate:
Erykah Gandy
Summer Associate
Family Practice Group

Monday Morning Message 3.22.21 a Single Garment of Destiny
“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“The language of humanity and empathy needs to drown out the language of dehumanization. In this process of rehumanization, words do, in fact, matter. Words can heal. Words can re-engage people’s morality.” C|M|LAW Professor Reggie Oh

Anti-Asian Racism - We Stand in Solidarity.
A Message from Dean Lee Fisher
This morning I want to express CSU Cleveland-Marshall’s deepest support for the Asian American community. We unequivocally condemn the surge in anti-Asian violence throughout the nation, most recently with the shootings of six Asian women in Atlanta this week. We mourn their senseless murders. I call on all of us to join together as a C|M|LAW community to stand in solidarity with our Asian students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends and stand up against anti-Asian hate and violence.