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Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Dec 7, 2020

Monday Morning Message 12.7.20 Final Exams / Bar Exam

“Well, tests ain’t fair. Those that study have an unfair advantage.” – Allan Dare Pearce, Paris in April

This morning, I have two messages.

The first, to our current students, particularly our first-year students; the second, to our recent 2020 graduates who passed and did not pass the October 2020 Bar Exam.

To Our Students- Final Exams

Final exams begin this week and continue until December 18. You’ve worked hard all semester. You’ve diligently read and briefed your cases, prepared and reviewed your notes and outlines, and practiced your legal analysis on hypotheticals and old exams. 

Released on Dec 4, 2020

New Graduate Profile: Kelly Wojtila

Our class of 2020 graduates are actively engaged in the permanent job search and you can help! To connect with any of our talented class of 2020 graduates, please contact Assistant Dean for Student and Career Services, Sarah Beznoska, at s.beznoskanull@csuohio.nulledu.

Released on Dec 4, 2020

New Graduate Profile: Lacey Mencl

Our class of 2020 graduates are actively engaged in the permanent job search and you can help! To connect with any of our talented class of 2020 graduates, please contact Assistant Dean for Student and Career Services, Sarah Beznoska, at s.beznoskanull@csuohio.nulledu.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Nov 30, 2020

Monday Morning Message 11.30.20 Help a Student's Dream Come True

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”– Harriet Tubman

As has become a tradition around the holidays Giving Tuesday will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

#GivingTuesday is a global movement focused on generosity and philanthropy for nonprofit organizations, CSU Cleveland-Marshall College of Law among them.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Nov 23, 2020

Monday Morning Message 11.23.20 Thankful for Resilience.

“We need resilience and hope and a spirit that can carry us through the doubt and fear.”– Brené Brown

There will be far too many empty chairs at dinner tables this Thanksgiving. Those empty chairs remind us that this pandemic is far from over and we must remain both vigilant and resilient.

I want to express my gratitude for the exceptional perseverance, flexibility, and adaptability of our law students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends these past nine extraordinary months.

Living, working, teaching, learning, and studying has never been harder, but we saw this past weekend a great example of how our students’ resilience can prevail in the midst of unprecedented challenges.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Nov 16, 2020

Monday Morning Message 11.16.20 The Credit Belongs to Those Actually in the Arena.

My creed is that public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be ….with full recognition that every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration, that constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought… that honor is to be earned but not bought.” -U.S. Senator Margaret Chase Smith 

Released on Nov 13, 2020

New Graduate Profile: Heather Thomas

Our class of 2020 graduates are actively engaged in the permanent job search and you can help! To connect with any of our talented class of 2020 graduates, please contact Assistant Dean for Student and Career Services, Sarah Beznoska, at s.beznoskanull@csuohio.nulledu.