Monday Morning Message 2.1.21 The Talent Dividend - A Rising Tide That Lifts All Boats
“The rising tide lifts all boats.” - President John F. Kennedy
Governor DeWine, CSU President Harlan Sands, and other Cleveland area leaders recently announced an exciting partnership linking and leveraging Cleveland’s distinctive health care, research, and higher education assets. This new hub of innovation and opportunity has the potential to be a rising tide that lifts all boats.

Monday Morning Message 1.25.21 The Hill We Climb
“The study of English literature, especially lyric poetry, is the best preparation for the law… That training helped me later, when trying to decipher law statutes.” – U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens
“If more politicians knew poetry, and more poets knew politics, I am convinced the world would be a little better place in which to live.” – President John F. Kennedy
“If we’re to live up to our own time/ Then victory won’t lie in the blade
But in all the bridges we’ve made / That is the promised glade
The hill we climb /If only we dare” -Amanda Gorman

New Graduate Profile: Halie Evans
Our class of 2020 graduates are actively engaged in the permanent job search and you can help! To connect with any of our talented class of 2020 graduates, please contact Assistant Dean for Student and Career Services, Sarah Beznoska, at s.beznoskanull@csuohio.nulledu.
Meet Halie Evans! Halie graduated in May 2020 and recently passed the Ohio Bar Examination. As a graduate, she is primarily interested in transactional work. She focused her academic experience on gaining knowledge in tax matters, estate planning, secured transactions, and business enterprises.

Monday Morning Message 1.19.21 A Defining Moment of Challenge and Controversy
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy." – Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

New Graduate Profile: Daria Chalupa
Our class of 2020 graduates are actively engaged in the permanent job search and you can help! To connect with any of our talented class of 2020 graduates, please contact Assistant Dean for Student and Career Services, Sarah Beznoska, at s.beznoskanull@csuohio.nulledu.

Monday Morning Message 12.28.20 Take a Moment Before Midnight
“Words cannot express the gratitude I have for the scholarship you all have so kindly decided to offer me…You all have given me the opportunity to fulfill my destiny and for that I am forever grateful ! My son will one day be able to say that his mother was given a chance despite financial hardship, and this blessing can teach him that if you dream big enough, no obstacle will be big enough.” -2L Student
Note: We are giving your e-mailbox a break for the next few weeks! The Monday Morning Message will resume the week of January 18, 2021, the first week of spring semester classes.

Monday Morning Message 12.21.20 Holiday Heroes
“Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the hero within us is revealed.” – Bob Riley
An extraordinary semester has ended, and as the holidays approach, I want to devote this morning’s message to our many Holiday Heroes. I continue to be overwhelmed by the number of messages of support and appreciation from and about our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. This message is longer than usual because I have so many uplifting messages to share!

Monday Morning Message 12.14.20 The Difference Between the Difficult and the Impossible.
“The difference between the difficult and the impossible is that the impossible takes a little longer time.” - Lady Aberdeen
“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” – Walter Elliot
This morning I want to make a holiday toast to those faculty and staff listed below who have served our law school and university for 10 or more years- an extraordinary accomplishment and testament to their depth of commitment to our law school, especially our students.